GNH, in its operational functions, has structured responsibility by clearly allocating aspects of it to two executive boards. CEO Irina Zschaler focuses on sales and marketing. Marco Bröning, her colleague on the board, is primarily responsible for finance and controlling.

Across the company, the GNH Board also stands for the perception of social, societal and ecological responsibility. The joint commitment was summarised under the guiding principle “Sustainability 360 degree – living responsibility together”:

We, the Georg Nordmann Holding and its affiliated companies, are firmly dedicated to sustainable business practices and ensuring that we act in a responsible and fair manner. We are committed to addressing the issue of sustainability long-term as part of our ongoing corporate strategy.

Our understanding of sustainability is holistic and covers ecological, economic and social responsibilities. The UN’s Sustainable Development Goals form the basis of our sustainability strategy.

To ensure that our sustainability strategy is implemented, we actively involve all of our stakeholders in the process. Our aim is to harmoniously align the individual sustainability approaches from our Group in order to maximize their combined impact.

To this end, we are building up the necessary organizational structures and personnel resources while also defining specific key performance indicators to serve as yardsticks for measuring our Group’s progress in the future.

For us, sustainability is not just a trend, but an integral part of our self-image – comprehensive, holistic and bound together with the personal responsibility of each individual. This is reflected in our mission statement.